This New House (in Gulfport, MS) - OPERATION REBOUND

OPERATION REBOUND is a coordinated partnering of Churches, builders, Corporations /Companies and a Gulfport Church to build five homes for the poorest victims of Katrina, in Gulfport, MS. If you are able to donate, please see the contact info below. OUR GOAL IS TO RAISE a total of $250,000 to fully fund FIVE homes in 2006. To date over $130,000 has been raised. THANK YOU ... and may the LORD bless you!! ** GIFTS are TAX DEDUCTABLE **

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

APPLICATION for Feb 25- Mar3 2007 TRIP to GULFPORT

South Shore Baptist ChurchApplication to
Join the Short-Term Disaster
Relief Team
Today’s Date:
Destination: Gulfport, MS — Feb. 25-Mar. 3, 2007
Last Name:
First Name:
Date of Birth:
Home Address:
e-mail Address: ____________________
Cell Phone: _______________________
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Marital Status: _____Citizenship: _____ Passport No. N/A Single/Married/Widowed/Divorced
Have you received Christ as your Lord and Savior? Y/N
Your Church____________________________ Pastor____________________tel.____________
How are you involved? ____________________________________________________
Have you gone on a mission/service trip before? Y/N
For how long? With whom:
What did you do on that trip?
Describe briefly your previous experience:

What do you hope to accomplish on this trip?

Please check the following that apply to you:
 Can lead in a worship service Can lead in a Bible study Can deliver a sermon Can lecture on public health issues Can lecture on personal health issues Skilled aviation mechanics Skilled automotive mechanics Skilled carpenter Skilled electrician Am a medical doctor (specialty) Am a nurse practitioner Am a medical lab technician  Can sing a solo Can lead in group singing Can play a musical instrument (name) Can do a puppet show Can do a magic show Proficient in Accounting practice Proficient in Word Processing Skilled mason Skilled in HVAC Skilled plumber Am a registered nurse Am a practical nurse
Please describe any other skill/ability that may be an asset to this service trip:
Please describe your general health condition:
Please list any prescription medicine you are taking:
If you had any of the following, please give the date and describe briefly the results:
Heart Attack or Heart Surgery:
Your Blood Type: Are you Diabetic? Y/N
Do you have high Blood Pressure? Y/N
Please list any known allergies:
Please list any diet restrictions:
Other condition(s) that concerns you:
Name of your personal physician: Telephone No.
Name/Phone # of person to notify in case of Emergency:
Relationship: Telephone No
Are you able to finance this trip yourself? Yes/No
If not, what is the amount of financial assistance you are looking for?
Please describe any other concern/idea you may have regarding this mission trip:

I understand this is a church-based disaster relief service project. If chosen to participate I will act for the entire time in a manner that honors the name of Christ and of his churches. I acknowledge the decision of the Disaster Relief Task Force to be final. If accepted, I will attend all the orientation sessions and will cheerfully give up my privileges which I normally enjoy at home, and will do whatever is necessary to accommodate the people and situations I am placed in. Furthermore, I will abide by the decisions of the trip leader and and/or the on-site trip hosts.



For use by the Disaster Relief Task Force:


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