This New House (in Gulfport, MS) - OPERATION REBOUND

OPERATION REBOUND is a coordinated partnering of Churches, builders, Corporations /Companies and a Gulfport Church to build five homes for the poorest victims of Katrina, in Gulfport, MS. If you are able to donate, please see the contact info below. OUR GOAL IS TO RAISE a total of $250,000 to fully fund FIVE homes in 2006. To date over $130,000 has been raised. THANK YOU ... and may the LORD bless you!! ** GIFTS are TAX DEDUCTABLE **

Saturday, January 28, 2006

OPERATION REBOUND - Hurricane Katrina Rebuilding Project

(Double-click images to enlarge +)

100,000 homes in Mississippi need rebuilding post Hurricane Katrina.
Many who are poor have no resources and no options.
A local pastor in Gulfport, MS, Eddie Hartwell, is leading an effort to rebuild hundreds of homes for those displaced by Katrina - those who have the least ability to bounce back.

Four local South Shore churches have been working together since a week after the storm hit Gulfport, MS and New Orleans, LA.
Three trips have been organized to the Gulf coast to help with projects to serve those hardest hit in the Gulfport, MS area. (PICTURES can be viewed by clicking here).

The FEBRUARY / MARCH 2006 project,
OPERATION REBOUND, is now underway:

** Mid-February WORK DAYS at South Weymouth Naval Air Station to frame 5 homes and load onto trucks to ship to Gulfport, MS.

** Early March builders trip to Gulfport, MS to erect the framed homes


Message on BANK SIGN in Gulfport, MS
(seen by our first Katrina Relief Team, a month after the storm):

"Have mercy on me O God .... for in YOU my soul takes refuge.
I will take refuge in the shadow of YOUR wings
until the disaster has passed."


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