This New House (in Gulfport, MS) - OPERATION REBOUND

OPERATION REBOUND is a coordinated partnering of Churches, builders, Corporations /Companies and a Gulfport Church to build five homes for the poorest victims of Katrina, in Gulfport, MS. If you are able to donate, please see the contact info below. OUR GOAL IS TO RAISE a total of $250,000 to fully fund FIVE homes in 2006. To date over $130,000 has been raised. THANK YOU ... and may the LORD bless you!! ** GIFTS are TAX DEDUCTABLE **

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Builders Return Home (for a time) but MORE SUPPORT is needed

Twenty two south shore builders and laborers (men and women) returned home this weekend from Gulfport, MS. Although there is still MUCH to be done, they were in great spirits. They had been joined in the building project by 19 men from Philadelphia and nine men and women from Wisconsin. Due to the fact that two houses had to be demolished (demo'd) and the debris removed and two foundations had to be dug (one by hand) and poured, the 12 hour work days throughout the week yielded two weatherized house structures (thanks to all our donors).
Three trailers remain on site storing the wall frames built in South Weymouth (3 weeks ago)for the three additional homes. The homes' foundations still need to be completed, and all five homes will require further inside finish work. Another trip is now planned for Easter week (April 14-22).

YOUR SUPPORT would be greatly appreciated.
Funds will go to finish the homes and sponsor builders' travel to Gulfport, MS.
Appliances are needed, as are rugs, flooring or tile.
More BUILDERS are needed - carpenters, plumbers, electricians etc. Dry wallers, painters too!
Those just returning from Gulfport this weekend indicate they want to go back. One roofer who just returned was asked what he would say to those who are thinking of going in the future? His answer was: "It's one of the greatest experiences." The opportunity to give to those in such need and yet so obviously appreciative, is very heart warming indeed.

Tax Deductable Donations can be made to:

578 Main Street

Hingham, MA 02043

... or call 781--749-2592 and ask for Rev. Seth Rogers

SEE THE FRONT PAGE of the Monday March13th BOSTON GLOBE for the story.

SEE ALSO the TV News series on a "Journey to Rebuild" (video and blog)
Video Journalist Adam Chodak traveled, ate and lived with the building crews for a week.

WATD RADIO 95.9 FM on the southshore has been covering the Operation Rebound since the beginning. They also have pictures on their website under Operation Rebound (right side):

Please let EACH of these media outlets know that YOU appreciate their coverage of this GOOD (even GREAT) NEWS story !!!


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