This New House (in Gulfport, MS) - OPERATION REBOUND

OPERATION REBOUND is a coordinated partnering of Churches, builders, Corporations /Companies and a Gulfport Church to build five homes for the poorest victims of Katrina, in Gulfport, MS. If you are able to donate, please see the contact info below. OUR GOAL IS TO RAISE a total of $250,000 to fully fund FIVE homes in 2006. To date over $130,000 has been raised. THANK YOU ... and may the LORD bless you!! ** GIFTS are TAX DEDUCTABLE **

Friday, February 24, 2006

OPERATION REBOUND Homes (five) leave Boston enroute Gulfport, MS

Six tractor trailers, loaded with FIVE homes, departed the South Weymouth Naval Air Station today, enroute Gulfport, MS.

FOX NEWS was onscene for the departure and Radio WATD 95.9
FM carried the story LIVE.

BUILDERS interested in joining OPERATION REBOUND volunteers in meeting the trucks in Gulfport, MS should contact Chief Builder Mark Lundquist (phone 781-389-8036) ASAP.
TWENTY BUILDERS and LABORERS from Philadelphia, who just heard about the project this week, are now planning to meet the Boston area volunteers in Gulfport on Monday 6 March. Work is planned for 6-10 March, to completely weatherize the FIVE homes. Volunteers will be staying at ST JAMES BAPTIST CHURCH. Members of St James have offered to cook for and feed the Operation Rebound volunteers, for the March work week. TWENTY or MORE local builders are still needed !!

DONATIONS are encouraged to SPONSOR A BUILDER !! (see below)
Corporations are encouraged to "SPONSOR a SITE" (a complete work crew) !!

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